Saturday, December 8, 2012

More of Zeke and a concept

Let's start with the promised "more of prototype" pics. Bases were taken at the same time than the previous shot, but edited today. Official Zeke is certainly going to be the special one of the trotters.

In the time between previous post and this one, enthusiasm over trotters and what the set up will be hasn't worn down at all. If something, it's quite the contrary - it now got even more fuel. It's actually gone so far that I started to build up the premises in the test game...

So, what is the harness racing concept going to be then?

If going to have some coldblood trotters as well, better go with something "Nordic" but at the same time suitable for any location ... family with Swedish roots could be what to go with, so Swedish surname ... can't go with anything too Sweden tied though ... nah, not that or that, not that either ... not really getting anywhere with this, moving on and coming back to that later ... so, trainer/driver/owner will be Johan something, has wife and kids, maybe three kids ... probably should have couple stablehands as well, but those will be figured out later ... the stable then, going with racing/youngstock biggest in numbers, maybe 12-16 horses, yeah, that can be finalized when getting on with setting this up ... breedingstock a little smaller, maybe 6-8 broodmares and 4-6 studs, yeah, something in those lines it shall be ... horses will be mostly warmblood trotters, but going to have couple Swedish/Norwegian coldblood trotters and Finnhorses in the mix as well ... ok, we're back at the family name ... no, no, no, no ... ok, it shall be something and berg ... Nyberg, Forsberg, Hedberg .. nah ... first idea was Steen and like the "international" sound of it ... Steenberg, Johan Steenberg - sure, that could work, although it's not exactly Swedish, one e too much ... oh well, it's the same as Stenberg, but in Dutch ... Stenberg isn't bad either though ... and the idea was Swedish roots ... Johan Stenberg, Stenberg Stable or with another e ... let's go with the Swedish one, so Stenberg it is ... maybe the suffix could be the Dutch one, since it sound better with names ... California Sten vs. California Steen ... yeah, Steen it is for the suffix, but otherwise it shall be Stenberg ... ok, rest of main details, other family members need names ... let's see ... Johan & Anna Stenberg with kids Marcus, Sara and Daniel, will also have German Shepherd as a dog and stable cat or two ... stablehads will get names extempore when things get that far ... this should be enough for now ...

Too bad that CAW is kinda shitty at the moment and therefore don't have any interest to fiddle with it, because haven't come across with world that would sit in to the idea of the location. Not that I really can make the idea even come true... after all it was the same with Greenfield and it still isn't settled to anywhere... and even less the "ideal" world for it been made self... Oh well, nothing stops building the premises for both to the library for easy settling when ever the right world is found or made.

After some more Stenberg building, I'll get back into finishing off DWH site... like next week and launch goal being Christmas time... we'll see if this works out. Enthusiasm is still on the trotter things and random stuff, but it's doable.

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