Enthusiasm to get DWH (and after that Greenfield) has slowly, but pretty surely faded to having some interest for the stuff every now and then. Meaning that progress has been close to nonexistent this month... I've opened the game a few times, but haven't really done anything constructive about anything.
Yesterday was somewhat productive though; there's been quite a few sliders released lately and that gave the nudge to improve horses a bit, perhaps to the level that one could finally call taken screenshots being bases for profile pics. Well, currently seven horses of the DWH stock exist, managed to improve one - the favorite - to profile level... but at least that was all the way to taking a shot and editing! But to be honest, maybe not so impressive considering that all of it took maybe 30mins total, of which 5mins or so was the game starting and rest about 50-50 CAS+screenshot and then editing shot... and it won't be in his final profile... oh well, it was fine for testing things out.
So yeah, slowly, but surely... as said before. I'll get to the publishing part some day... ;D